Divyang Shah
Injection Therapist, Extended Scope Physiotherapist and MSK Ultrasound Sonographer
Divyang is our specialist Physiotherapist and Injection therapist. He has got vast experience in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal Pain. He has been Clinical Lead for Community Musculoskeletal Service for the whole Milton Keynes IMSK Service. Prior to that he was Clinical Lead for Luton IMSK service.
He has special interest in diagnosis and management of spinal pain. He also works as Spine ESP (Extended Scope Practitioner) for WestHertfordshire NHS Trust covering outpatients clinics for Spinal Consultants (Based Watford General Hospital, Hemel Hempstead Hospital and St Albans Hospital). Leads First Contact Physiotherapy service in Northampton and Slough area.
He has done Masters in Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy at Keele University, UK. He is qualified in Injection therapy, Spinal manipulation, Acupuncture, McKenzie techniques, Chronic pain, rehabilitation and believes in holistic treatment approach.