Medicine Management

Medicine Management

Posted in Chronic Pain
medicine management treatment to treat chronic pain

The goal of chronic pain treatment is to increase function and quality of life. Different types of medicines help people who have different types of pain. For instance, short-acting medicines treat pain that comes and goes. Long-acting medicines treat constant pain.

Our clinician will lease with your doctor (GP) thorough-out this process and help you achieve optimal benefit with medicine management.

Things to Consider

Always tell your doctor what other drugs you take. This includes medicines, vitamins, and supplements. The doctor also should know about all ongoing health conditions. Some medicines may not be safe to take. Do not start a new drug without your doctor’s approval.

It is important to follow instructions when taking chronic pain medicines. Some side effects can be harmful and cause other health concerns. They can also be harmful to your lifestyle if you develop a problem. Do not stop taking a drug without your doctor’s approval.

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