What is an X-ray or a radiograph?
Radiographs in a common term are known as X-rays. These are used as a diagnostic tool to detect following:
- Tooth Decay
- Bone loss
- Enamel loss
- Impacted teeth
- Extra teeth
- Un-erupted teeth
- Infection in the tooth
- Deep fillings leading to sensitivity or pain
The X-rays show the teeth, bone, enamel, dentin, pulp (nerve) and thus help to do the diagnosis on the basis of which a treatment plan can be formulated. This way the X-rays can be helpful before, during or after carrying out any dental treatment.
OPG/CBCT Referral
What is OPG (OrthoPantomoGram) scan and Why do sometimes dentist/specialist request for it?
OPG is a full mouth X-ray in which all the teeth can be seen at the same time along with the bones and also the jaws. There are various times when dentists request for OPG scans:
- Due to wisdom teeth that cannot be captured on the small X-ray as it is far back in the mouth.
- Patient feeling very uncomfortable to bite for a normal X-ray or having a strong gag reflex.
- To see the generalised bone loss when the patient has gum problems
- Orthodontic purpose such as braces.
- People having extensive teeth decay
- In case of trauma
- TMJ related issues
What is 3D-CBCT (Cone Beam Computerised Tomography) and Why do sometimes dentist/specialist request for it?
CBCT is the system used by the Dental Professionals in which the Patient stands and the machine rotates around the face region to capture the three Dimensional data using the Cone shaped X-ray beam. The 3D data includes overall view of entire mouth, jaw, nasal and throat area depending on the field of view by the referring dentist. There are various times when dentists request for 3D-CBCT scans:
- For endodontic treatment that is complicated by difficult pulp shape, performation and perio-endo lesions.
- When X-ray or OPG is not enough
- For assessment of the cleft palate
- Prior to the implant placement
OPG and 3D-CBCT are taken in the same machine, are completely painless scans and takes around 1 min per scan. Dentists must refer patients to our clinic for OPG and 3D-CBCT scans.
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