Heel Pain
Around 10% of the adult population suffers from heel pain at some point in their life. Whilst there are many causes, examples of the most common cause is Plantar fasciitis. Other less common causes are bursitis or calcaneal spur.
Plantar fascia is a strong band of tissue extending from heel to your toes and it supports the arch of foot. It also acts as a shock absorber for the foot.
In Plantar fasciitis, patient usually experiences sharp throbbing pain when he/she puts their foot down on the floor. This is generally after sitting or lying for a long time or after prolong standing.
The condition is treated by correcting the biomechanical issue causing the problem, often after biomechanical and gait analysis. Most patients get better with conservative treatment using advanced orthoses, rehabilitation, exercises and shockwave therapy.
We aim to provide you a package of service which is highly backed by research and evidence-based practice. Our package includes Podiatry assessment for correcting biomechanical issues, Physiotherapy for exercises, soft tissue techniques, rehabilitation and course of Shockwave treatment.
In certain cases, where above exhaustive non-invasive treatment has failed to improve pain then invasive treatment like injections can be provided.
Rarely Surgery is required.
Treatment Options