What is acupuncture?
Evidence Based Western Medical Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through your skin at specific points on the body where you feel pain, away from the pain or a combination of both. Scientific research underpins the effectiveness of acupuncture when combined with physiotherapy in the treatment of various musculoskeletal conditions (NICE, AACP)
How does it work?
Very thin needles are inserted through your skin at specific points on the body where you feel pain, away from the pain or a combination of both. Between 1 and 10 needles with different sizes can be used but this depends on your symptoms and condition. On your first session usually, few needles are used to assess your tolerance. On the following sessions the numbers of needles and the points needled can vary and your physiotherapist may stimulate the needles by gently rolling them. This is to maximise the effectiveness of the treatment which can last from few minutes to max 25. After the needles are removed you may be asked to rest for a little before you leave. If you feel uncomfortable they can be immediately removed with no risk.
Is it safe?
Acupuncture is a widely accepted and safe treatment provided by qualified physiotherapists both in the NHS and in private practice who have undergone recognised training.
All the needles used are sterile, individually packaged and disposed of after one use. Strict hygiene guidelines are followed.
Acupuncture needles are very thin and have roughly the same width of human hair, therefore having acupuncture does not feel like having an injection but more like a temporary pricking sensation.
Are there any contraindications/side effects?
There could be a small chance of minor side effects which are normally short-lived (bruising, fatigue or light headedness) If you are concerned speak to your physiotherapist who will be happy to discuss them. However, these should be normally explained during the initial assessment.