Full Sexual Health Screening

Full Sexual Health Screening

Sexual Health Screening Service provided by Smile and Move Polyclinic

Our comprehensive sexual health screen packages cover all of the main sexually transmitted diseases. The packages include testing for the most common sexually-transmitted diseases like Blood Test for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C; Urine test for Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea

If you are symptomatic, the clinician might recommend additional testing such as swabs specific to your circumstances and symptoms.

When should I get tested?

In general, good times to get an STI test include the following:

  • Having a new sexual partner
  • You had sex with someone who has an STI
  • You had sex without a condom or the condom broke
  • You’ve noticed changes in your body
  • You’re experiencing STI-related symptoms
  • It’s been more than 3-6 months since your last test, and either you or your partner/s have other sexual partners


Preparing for test

Keeping yourself sufficiently hydrated makes blood taking easier. For accuracy of the urine test results you should hold urine for 2 hours prior to the appointment.

During the test

If you are experiencing symptoms, you will have a consultation with an experienced doctor, who will discuss your options for testing. Your consultation may involve personal questions about your medical and sexual history, your typical methods of contraception, and other questions about your sex life, sexual practices, and sexual partners. If you want to have testing but do not have any symptoms, your consultation will be with a sexual health specialist nurse.

All information given during your visit will be treated confidentially. Personal details and test results will not be shared with anyone outside of the sexual health service without your permission.

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